
 Your Initial Appointment

Post Operative Care Orthopaedic Surgeon Melbourne.jpg

What should I bring to my first appointment?

Please bring (or have sent in):

  • GP referral letter

  • Please complete the Patient Registration Form HERE

  • A list of current medications

  • Any previous letters or documentation pertaining to your condition

  • All relevant X-Rays/MRI/CT/radiology scans and blood tests (To provide the best possible care, Mr Batty prefers to review all images himself in addition to reading the radiologists report. To allow this, please bring in the actual scans on CD or film or please confirm with reception that we can access these online.)

  • Medicare card

  • Private health Insurance details

  • TAC/WorkSafe number and details (date of accident, case manager) if you are a TAC or WorkSafe patient

How should I prepare for my first appointment?

  • Please complete the Patient Registration Form HERE

  • Please think about what your goals for the consultation are. Mr Batty will ask you what you are hoping to achieve from the consultation. Examples may include:

    • Obtain a diagnosis for your symptoms

    • Better understand your condition or diagnosis

    • To discuss surgical treatment options

    • To discuss non-surgical treatment options

    • Obtain a second opinion on a condition or treatment plan

  • Think about your symptoms and about how they impact on your life.

    • This is very important for Mr Batty to understand, however, this can be difficult to come up with on the spot during an appointment. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the wait to be seen by Mr Batty? +

Mr Batty will review or make contact with patients who have a fracture within 48 hours. Mr Batty aims to see new referrals within one to two weeks. If your condition is urgent, please discuss this with us and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

How long is a consultation? +

New patients are booked for 30 minutes, however, Mr Batty will review your case notes and imaging prior to this. Review appointments are booked for 15 minutes. If you have multiple conditions or have a complex condition, please advise us.

Does Mr Batty see uninsured patients? +

Yes. Mr Batty sees uninsured patients. If surgery is required, a referral can be made to a public hospital where Mr Batty has an appointment. Unfortunately it is not possible to avoid waiting times associated with the public system.

How much does it cost to see Mr Batty? +

An initial review is $220. A follow up review is $120. A portion of this will be refunded by Medicare if you have a valid referral from a general practitioner.

How can payment be made? +

We accept credit or debit card payments. Payments are to be settled following your review.

Does Mr Batty see WorkSafe and TAC patients? +

Yes. Mr Batty is experienced with working with these organisations to help patients recover as quickly as possible. WorkSafe and TAC patients will not be charged any out of pocket costs by Mr Batty.

Does Mr Batty see DVA patients? +

Yes. DVA patients will not be charged any out of pocket costs by Mr Batty.

If surgery is required, will my insurance cover it? +

Mr Batty’s team can liaise with your health insurance provider to determine what your coverage is.